Monday, December 21, 2009




Many believe that the term “mission field” only refers to being on foreign soil in a persecuted country. But the truth of the matter is that your mission field is where God is directing you to serve today, where he is assigning you a current role. If today’s question is difficult for you, you may not be seeing the obvious answer right in front of you. Or, it may be that you would prefer to skip some of your current, ordinary tasks and tackle something magnificent for God. Are you concerned that your present role isn’t worthy enough to be classified as a life mission, but just something you got stuck doing? Or, do you love your present mission so much that you are afraid you won’t be willing to move on when God wants to use you elsewhere?




Where are you doing the Lord’s work? To answer that question, focus on the faces across the dinner table from you or across the hallway at the office. Or, think about situations like these: Are you babysitting a few children for a single mom in your neighborhood? Do you love visiting the sick in the hospital?


Did you recently go on a medical mission trip to eastern Europe? Where has God asked you to show up lately? Is it at the local, national, or global level? Are you involved in a good work, cross-culturally or  interdenominationally? Do you have a ministry with an age-specific group? Lindy Boone Michaelis, the second daughter of Pat Boone, had carved out a great life for herself, when her new mission field suddenly seemed to drop from the sky.




Lindy, a wife, mother, and singer was challenged by the tragedy of her oldest son, Ryan, who at age twenty-four fell three stories through a skylight. With her father and others, Lindy has been interviewed on the “Larry King Live” television program many times since the accident to discuss the power of prayer and faith in a crisis situation. Lindy’s miracle is that her son, who desperately wanted his life to point others to Christ and salvation, did not die or remain comatose. Ryan is on a slow but miraculous road to recovery, being raised up by the Lord, who has displayed his healing on the international stage.


Largely because of Ryan’s sweet commitment to the Lord both before and after his accident, Lindy says she began to hunger for her own commitment to be renewed. One day, as the family was having a Bible study around Ryan’s bedside, she marveled at what a mighty work the Lord had done in her life and in the lives of many others through her son, who was then silent and expressionless.


Lindy’s current mission field now requires that God minister to her constantly through his Word and presence, as she cherishes, with the loving heart of a mother, this opportunity to be Jesus’ hands and feet in caring for her son on an around the clock basis. Ryan’s accident has created a platform for Lindy to point to the power and glory of God. She shares with others that what Jesus wants most is to reconcile us to himself and to help us believe that he is who he says he is.


She says, “Whatever mission field you are called to serve on, at home or abroad, remember that when we are missionaries for Christ and living in Jesus, focused on the assignment he has given us, we can have peace no matter what happens.”


Where Is Your Current Mission Field? Paul and Silas Worked Faithfully Wherever God Assigned Them



At midnight, after an earthquake that could have freed Paul and Silas from jail, they shared the gospel with their jailer. Before daylight, the jailer and his family were baptized. Read Acts 16:25–40. Are you as accepting as Paul and Silas of your own current mission field, or are you grumbling about it?




[Jesus said,] “In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.” (John 17:18, MSG)




Dear Lord Jesus, in the same way that God gave you a mission in the world, I ask you to reveal to me, _________, a mission in the world, whether at home or abroad. Today I pray that I will learn to serve more faithfully on my current mission field. Guide me joyfully into the assignments you planned for me before the beginning of time. Minister to me, as I minister to others in your Holy Name.


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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