Sunday, December 20, 2009

DECEMBER 21 - Apples of Gold

DECEMBER 21 - Apples of Gold


A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. — PROVERBS 25:11


My friend Gail MacDonald makes a habit of collecting short sayings of encouragement from saints of old. Whether it’s a quote from a missionary or a line from a time-honored hymn, Gail realizes that a few wise words go a long way in lifting one’s vision and stretching one’s faith. When an envelope arrives in the mail with her familiar handwriting, I know I’m about to be blessed.


Recently when I came home from a long, rigorous trip overseas, I spotted a letter from Gail on my kitchen table. I quickly opened it, read her words of greeting, and then enjoyed several lines from Amy Carmichael, the notable missionary: “There is no need to plead that the love of God shall fill our heart as though he were unwilling to fill us. He is willing as light is willing to flood a room that is opened to its brightness; willing as water is willing to flow into an emptied channel. Love is pressing round us on all sides like air. Cease to resist, and instantly love takes possession.” Those were golden words to me, especially after a long trip. I was tired, weary, and in need of a fresh perspective. Proverbs 20:15 describes Gail perfectly, “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.”


Oh, if only we could more fully appreciate the power of the written word! A new year is just around the corner. Make a commitment to begin collecting favorite Christian verses and quotes.


Build a file folder of these, and you’ll have plenty of words of encouragement to share with thirsty, hungry sojourners in the months to come.


Lord Jesus, you are the Word and you only have the words of life. Help me to be a spokesperson through which your life-giving words can bless the hearts of friends and family today.


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