Tuesday, December 29, 2009




On Day 30, we focused on what equipping you still might need to do God’s work. Today, let’s take a slightly different approach and hone in on yet-to-be-satisfied personal wants or wishes. Ask yourself: “What would make my life more complete?” Has the lack of it upset you for years? Have you cried your heart out over it? God cares about what you have to say today and about how you feel. Don’t let any sadness or frustration in this area steal opportunities from you to live the glorious life God has planned for you.




Have you ever felt like filing a “missing in action” report about one of these: hope, friendship, love, dreams, passion, clarity, integrity, or goals? Is one of these missing: spiritual growth, a date night with your husband, play days with your children, downtime for yourself, an organizational system?


Is family unity, a Sabbath rest, personal joy, or a college fund for your children missing? Is it health, income, or a much anticipated marriage proposal? Let Lori Salierno, CEO of Celebrate Life International (CLI), speak wisdom into your life today through her story.




Lori is the founder of CLI, a nonprofit organization that promotes leadership skills and character development among students in public schools and the juvenile justice system. She is a nationally-known speaker who has written four books, including Real Solutions for Ordering Your Private Life.


Lori says that her spiritual life is “an adventure and a party combined.” Her goal is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.


She is in the process of introducing her God-given teen leadership program, Teach One to Lead One, into fifty-one thousand high schools across the United States, as a means of cultivating the hearts of seventy-two million teenagers for a relationship with Jesus Christ.


What’s missing for Lori? She says, “My husband and I have been married for twenty-two years and have not been able to have children. But God actually took away my desire to be a birth mother and replaced it with an incredible passion for at risk students. He did this by placing an intense call on my life to reach our nation’s children in this generation. What an awesome privilege to be used in this way.” Lori summarizes: “God can use the things that are missing from our lives (even the absence of children) to bring glory to his name. I’m a good example of his faithfulness in tough situations!”



What’s Missing in Your Life? Eve Felt Something Was Missing


Eve wanted to be more like God, and so she succumbed to temptation in the Garden of Eden. Read Genesis 3:1–6. Like Eve, have you searched after something that you thought was missing in your life, only to discover that you wished you hadn’t found it?




“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you

hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)




Dear Lord, you know the plans you have for me, _________. You have declared that they are plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. Today I thank you for your well-thought-out plans for my future. I also pray about what I perceive to be missing from my life. Help me today to give my missing piece(s) to you with confidence that you will use my apparent lack for your good and holy purposes. I know you see the bigger picture, and I trust you to fill my void with your presence. I choose to live a life of gratitude about what I do have, rather than a life of sadness about what I don’t have.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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