Wednesday, December 9, 2009

DECEMBER 10 - God Impressions

DECEMBER 10 - God Impressions



Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone. — COLOSSIANS 4:5 – 6 NLT



Have you ever played with Silly Putty — that pink, squeezable, rubbery clay that comes in a plastic egg? One of the most fun aspects of the putty is the way it will copy color pictures out of a magazine or comic book.



I often think of that property of Silly Putty when I want to leave what I call “God impressions” on people. You squeeze in a moment or stretch out the time to press your love of Christ up against someone. Maybe it’s just a smile and a “God bless your day.” Or returning a kindness with “Thanks for helping me, and the next time you’re near a Bible, look up Hebrews 6:10 . . . it’s definitely you!” Often, I’m able to leave a God impression on someone by singing a hymn. People see me in this wheelchair, hear me singing praises to God, and wonder, Where in the world does her joy come from? It has to be God.



It’s a way of pressing my life up against theirs for a brief moment so that when I peel away . . . I’ve left a God impression on that person — however brief or fleeting it might have been. And once you encounter the Lord, you find yourself thirsty for something this world can’t offer, hungry for something this world can’t satisfy.



Busy as you may be, you still encounter many people during  the course of your day. Press your love for Christ up against that friend down the street or that coworker or that woman you regularly greet at the cash register. When you do, you’ll leave them with a God impression . . . and make them thirsty for more.



Father, may the fragrance of your Son be upon my life, so that even entering or leaving a room, some lingering sense of his presence will draw hearts to seek you.


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