Wednesday, December 16, 2009





You are probably familiar with most of the traditional methods of having a successful quiet time. But the what you do is not the only important part of today’s question. That would make this exercise too easy. The tougher and more important question is this: How have you been doing lately in your times with the Lord? God is extremely interested in the heart you bring into the experience. Do you invite the Lord into your quiet time and allow him to determine what each encounter becomes? If so, these will be some of the most treasured times of your life— when God reveals more of himself and his plans to you.






There are many ways to enhance your quiet time: writing in a journal; confessing sin; memorizing Scripture; singing; working through a devotional guide like this one; practicing silence; enjoying God’s “outdoor artwork”; or praying with praise, confession, gratitude, or requests. Are you dragging yourself into Jesus’ presence and enduring a legalistic obligation? Or are you ecstatic to have the privilege of visiting with him to praise him, learn more about him, and see what assignments he has for you? Is your heart cold or on fire for your Savior? Jean Driscoll, a Paralympian, took a long time to get all of this straight in her own mind, but she knows it was well worth the effort.






Jean may have been born with spina bifida (the failure of a baby’s spine to close properly during pregnancy), and she may use a wheelchair, but she is a recognized and celebrated world-class athlete. She is the only person in the 100+ year history of the Boston Marathon to ever have won the event eight times. She won silver medals in the marathon in the 1992 and 1996 Paralympic games and was named #25 of the “Top 100 Female Athletes of the 20th Century” by Sports Illustrated for Women magazine. Jean retired from her professional career in 2000.



The Lord softened Jean’s heart toward him in 1992 through the guidance of an athletic administrator at the University of Illinois. Since that time, Jean has been active in her church and also has teamed up with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, as well as Joni and Friends, a Christian organization that helps those with disabilities. Jean is currently a speaker and author. She has been featured on Christian television programs such as Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, and Canada’s 100 Huntley Street.



Jean may have grown up amidst the frustration and confusion of having spina bifida, but she now recognizes physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional strengths that developed because of her body’s weakness. She is grateful that her success in athletics has given her a far-reaching platform that she can use to encourage and empower people struggling with so many of life’s tough issues.



Jean doesn’t try to hide the fact that she used to feel that her quiet time had to be structured and done the same way all the time. She worried that if she didn’t do it the way she was first taught, she wouldn’t get as much out of it as she should. She was liberated, however, when she began talking with other people about their times with the Lord, and she learned that these precious moments with God can be enriched through many different methods.



She says, “God longs for us to seek him out. He wants us to speak to him and spend time with him listening. Visit with him often!”



What’s Going On in Your Quiet Time with the Lord? Anna Had a Really Long and Meaningful Quiet Time!



For years, the widow Anna never left the temple. Read Luke 2:36–38. She spent her days and nights worshiping, fasting, and praying. Try to imagine that for a moment. In what way does it help you stretch your thinking about what’s realistic along these lines for your life?






[Jesus said,] “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” (Matthew 6:6, MSG)






Dear Lord God, I know what you want me, _________, to do: Find a quiet, secluded place where no one but you is watching me, so I won’t be tempted to “put on airs,” pretending to be someone I’m not when I am with you. You want me to just be there as simply and honestly as I can manage. I know that the focus will shift from me to you and that I will begin to sense your grace. I pray that the time I spend with you today is the most incredible time possible. Make me always mindful of the privilege of being with you. And help me realize that I need to “refuel” more often, because I’m “running on empty” too much of the time.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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