Saturday, December 5, 2009

DECEMBER 5 - Private Praise

DECEMBER 5 - Private Praise



Do those things that are pleasing in his sight. — 1 JOHN 3:22 KJV



My friend Careen has been blessed with a beautiful voice. When we travel together, whether riding in the van or walking down the hotel hallways, we always harmonize on a hymn. On long trips together, when she has a "night off," she'll usually go back to her hotel room, put on a worship CD, sit on the edge of her bed with hands lifted high, and sing private praises to God for an hour or two. It's just her and her Lord. She absolutely loves delighting Jesus with her personal songs of worship offered behind closed doors. Although her musical gift is extraordinary, she'll probably never land a recording contract or be spotlighted on a big stage. But that's okay. Careen has the honor of singing command performances before the most prominent audience in the universe: Jesus Christ.



Careen reminds me of an alpine flower that blooms high in the mountains, far from the eyes of most people. No one but God ever sees those stunning flowers in mountain meadows; he has created them for his sole delight and enjoyment.



God delights in those who meet with him in personal worship.



Before you turn the lights out tonight, find a quiet corner in your home and meet with God alone. Recite to him any Scriptures or inspirational poems you have memorized, or sing to him several of your favorite hymns or praise choruses. Enjoy the privilege that you have a private audience with the most important Person in heaven and on earth. Make it your ambition to be pleasing to him . . . far from the ears and eyes of others.



Lord, I thank you for blessing me with the talents I have. I'm not looking for a spotlight or a stage; I simply want to come before you by myself and bless you with my song. What a privilege and honor it is to consecrate my worship and focus on you and you alone.


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