Saturday, December 19, 2009




Have you watched any of the television programs that feature extreme makeovers of people or homes? It’s interesting to see surgeons nip and tuck; beauty and fashion experts update hair, makeup, and clothing; interior designers de-clutter and remodel; and individuals and families rejoice in the changes. But what truly important thing about yourself (not related to your body or home) would you like God to help you change? Ask yourself: “How does God want to transform me? What change in my life would please him?” Is there something God has laid on your heart to change that will actually prepare you well for your life mission? What newness do you think is right around the corner for you?




Any changes on your horizon? Are you thinking about asking God to help you walk away from a life-threatening compulsion or circumstance? Are you attempting to see your body as God’s temple? Do you need courage to go to a professional counselor? Do you need more confidence to ask someone to pray for you or to support you financially while you’re on a mission trip? Are you ready to live a simple, downsized life; stop abusing credit cards; walk away from an unhealthy friendship; or add more laughter and play into your schedule? Are you sensing that God is asking you to quit rehearsing your past hurts? Would he like you to polish up your writing or editing skills? Do you think he wants you to be more loyal to your friends; to become more involved in your teenager’s life; to mind your own business; or simply to start obeying more traffic laws? Cheryl McGuinness, founder of Beauty Beyond the Ashes Ministry, asked God to change her tear-filled eyes into focused eyes that can clearly see his vision for her life.




As a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorism attack on America, Cheryl is now a widow and a single mom of two teenagers. Her husband Tom was copilot of the first airplane forced to fly into the World Trade Center. Cheryl says, “My life is not my own. I will be what God wants me to be, and I will go where he leads me.” Cheryl says that she established her ministry in memory of her husband and all who died on 9/11.


Today, she is a speaker and author who encourages others.


Cheryl is not shy about mentioning a change she would welcome in her life. She says that she wants to see more clearly—through her Father’s eyes. She wants to see the truth about the good and the bad that happens in daily life, so she can help others understand it. She is attempting to make this change by getting to know God better and love him more deeply. She says, “God is turning the ashes of September 11th into something beautiful as I trust him with my feelings.


Change is so hard, but as I surrender more, he strengthens me more. I offered up to my Lord what I considered the best part of me—my soul mate, my husband Tom—and I rise out of the ashes as God builds me anew. If I can grow through change, you can.”


What Would You Like to Change about Yourself? Rahab Desired Change


Rahab, the pagan harlot (innkeeper), and her family were spared by the Israelites, because she chose to change her thinking, her heart, and her actions. She decided to acknowledge and trust God by agreeing to hide Joshua’s spies. Rahab’s changed behavior literally saved her life and the life of her family members. Read Joshua 2:1–24; 6:17–25. In what way has change been difficult for you?




Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)




Dear Lord, help me, _________, not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Then I will be able to test and approve your good, pleasing, and perfect will for my life. I don’t want to live in denial anymore about what needs to change. I do want you to open my eyes, but I don’t know how to be brave about all this. Today I pray for the courage and strength to change the things about me that will please you. I trust you to do the transforming work in me, in spite of any excuses or resistance on my part.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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