Saturday, December 19, 2009

DECEMBER 19 - Anna Leads the Way

DECEMBER 19 - Anna Leads the Way


Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! — PSALM 103:1 NKJV


The gospel of Luke tells us that Anna was a prophetess and very old — eighty-four, in fact. Not only that, she was a widow. But not just any old widow. Scripture says that Anna never left the temple but worshiped day and night, fasting and praying. I wonder if people of her day looked askance at her. Perhaps some looked down on her as though she were the temple bag lady. Others surely saw her as a saint of the age. Luke’s account tells how Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus into the temple, just eight days after his birth. He was there to be consecrated to the Lord, and it was an exciting day for the little family. But when they entered the temple, they had no idea what was about to happen.


The Bible says that Anna came right up to them, gave thanks to God, and spoke about the Child to everybody who was there. She told everyone, “Here’s the redemption of Jerusalem.” I love to picture it! This saintly old woman wrapped her wrinkled old hands around the infant Jesus, coddled him in her arms, and then pronounced a beautiful blessing upon him. Anna had a chance to celebrate the birthday of Jesus the way it ought to be celebrated.


This Christmas season, we can learn how to celebrate the season from observing Anna. Let’s pattern our celebration and worship after what she did in the temple when she saw Jesus. Christmas is a time for pronouncing blessings and praise upon the Lord. It’s time for giving thanks and for speaking about the Christ child to all who will listen. It’s time to talk about redemption.


Lord, it’s just like you to escort a humble, wrinkled old woman to the front of the line to lead us all! Thank you for the story of Anna, her devotion, and her willingness to boldly declare your name to all who would listen.


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