Tuesday, December 22, 2009

DECEMBER 23 - All I Want for Christmas . . .

DECEMBER 23 - All I Want for Christmas . . .


Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. — PSALM 37:4


You’ve heard the song, “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”? When I got out of the hospital back in the late ’60s, my big holiday wish was, “Lord, all I want for Christmas is my body back!” I’d see a star in the night sky and whisper, “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight . . . ,” and I’d plead, “Jesus, I know that wishing on a star and asking for Christmas gifts may not be very ‘Christian,’ but please may I have back the use of my hands and legs?” I was spurred on by John 15:7 where Jesus said, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” It sounded like Jesus was on my side.


I began to follow faithfully the condition of that promise from John 15:7. I sincerely abided in the Lord in prayer, as his Word abided in me. As I did, I came across Acts 14:22 reminding me I would “go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” Romans 8:17 explained that I could be a co-heir with Christ if I shared in his sufferings. There were scores of other verses just like these!


When Christmas rolled around years later, I knew I had received the best present. I delighted myself in the Lord according to John 15:7, and he granted me my desire — I had a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with my wonderful Savior!


Of all the gifts you could receive at Christmas, what would be your heart’s desire? When you see a star appear, for what do you privately hope? Jesus says that whatever you wish, it will be done for you if his words fill your life and if you abide in him. When you do that, you end up receiving far more than you could ever hope for — you get the Bright and Morning Star himself.



Lord Jesus, I want you to be the sole desire of my heart. Grant me this desire, I pray.


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