Saturday, December 12, 2009





Nothing is impossible for God. He laid the foundation of the world! When have you witnessed his power? Have you seen him walking on water to get to you when you were in distress? Has he calmed a storm or multiplied loaves for you? He has promised to see you through every circumstance of life. Take time today to recall a situation in which his power was evident to you. Remembering the miracles in your life will help you live with gratitude. It will ready your heart to serve more faithfully the Almighty God who has important assignments lined up for you.






God formed the mountains, hung the stars, and churned up the seas. He answers prayers, grants mercy, and gives hope.



What aspect of God’s power has most astounded you? Is it his wisdom, healing touch, or unforeseen solutions? Is it peace amidst turmoil that he gives you or the renewal of your strength? Is it the fact that he has rescued you at the last hour?



Did he help you through exams, childbirth, illness, or the death of a dear friend? Did he stay by you on a difficult trip overseas, your first day on a new job, or an escrow closing? Did he see you through a natural disaster or some other tragedy? Did he resurrect a relationship or give you ingenuity to complete a project beyond your highest expectations? Have you witnessed his power in the changed life of a friend or family member? Fern Nichols, founder of Moms In Touch International (MITI), is in awe of our all-powerful God who has proven time and time again that he cares about her.






For the first fifteen years of Fern’s marriage, she and her husband served at Athletes in Action, an arm of Campus Crusade for Christ. Later, she founded MITI, a worldwide ministry of praying moms who gather together locally once a week to pray for their children and their children’s schools. Her favorite roles, though, are as a wife, mother, and grandma. Fern is grateful for her Christian heritage and for a mom who taught her about prayer and the infallibility of God’s Word.



During her college years, she had a spiritual growth spurt and became involved in Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship/USA, an evangelical campus ministry. She has developed a deep love for the church, as the body of Christ.



As Fern sent her two oldest sons off to junior high school, she found herself passionately praying for them. She knew that her greatest weapon to protect them from the pressures they would be facing was prayer. The burden was so great that she knew she could not bear it alone. She asked God for another mother who felt the same burden and who would pray every week for their kids and the local school. One mom came, then another, and another. Twenty years later, more than 150,000 women are praying for children and schools worldwide. Fern now loves teaching about prayer, and she is humbled that God chose her to raise this prayer banner a little higher.



Fern notes that she experiences God’s sustaining power when she speaks publicly. She says that, as she prepares a talk— with a cramped scheduled, little rest, and many demands—she realizes that her source of power is in knowing her God and experiencing his goodness in her circumstances. She says, “He proves himself always to be faithful and gives me peace with his promise that when I open my mouth, he will fill it and will take me from strength to strength.”



Fern purposefully seeks his power in her life through prayer and his Word. One of her favorite passages of Scripture that she prays for herself, husband, children, and Moms In Touch is “that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need” (Colossians 1:11, NLT).



In What Situation Was God’s Power Evident to You? Lazarus Saw God’s Power



Lazarus saw the power of Jesus Christ, as Jesus called on God his Father, to raise Lazarus from the dead. Read John 11:1–44. Perhaps you need something raised from the dead— a goal, a commitment, or an optimistic joy of life. Describe how much you trust the power of God to do his resurrection business.






“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind.

Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27)






Dear Lord, you are the God of all mankind. There is nothing too hard for you. Today I, _________, humbly thank you for the power you have poured into my life in the past, and I pray expectantly to see evidence of your power in my life today and in the future. I invite you to display your majesty through my smallness. Remember me, your humble servant, who willingly bows to you and loves bragging about all you have done for me.




So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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