Friday, December 4, 2009

NOVEMBER 24 - She Did What She Could

NOVEMBER 24 - She Did What She Could



"Leave her alone," said Jesus. "Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. . . . She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." — MARK 14:6, 8 – 9


When it comes to the Chris tian life, the stakes are high. Things like heaven, hell, and eternal reward. You and I get only one chance on earth to live a life pleasing to our Master. No starting over and no reincarnation. We have been given life and breath to prove our faith and demonstrate what we believe. It's why I sometimes wake up at night, wondering, Am I doing this thing called "the Chris tian life" right? Am I making the most of the moments God gives me?



I found a calming, reassuring answer the other day in Mark 14. When the woman poured expensive perfume on Jesus' head, some people at the banquet thought she did a stupid thing. But Jesus rebuked them harshly and said, "Leave her alone . . . she did what she could do . . . and I think it's beautiful." I identified with the woman. I feel like I have often done stupid things in my service to the Lord. Am I doing this right? Is this pleasing to God? But like the woman in Mark 14, I did what I could. And that's all God asks. We can only do what we are able to do; but inspired by the Spirit, it's always a beautiful thing in Jesus' sight.



"She did what she could — Mark 14" is written on the tombstone of Fanny Crosby, the blind composer of over four thousand hymns. Don't have anxious thoughts about the high stakes involved in Christian service. Just ask for the Spirit's help and do what you are able to do. Jesus will think it's beautiful.



Holy Spirit, empower me this day so I can do what I'm able to do in service to my Master.


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