Wednesday, December 16, 2009




Baba said, "Eating that lovely bread I am heartily contended and I am still belching. The dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave the piece of bread is, one with Me, so also other creatures (cats, pigs, flies, cows etc.) are one with Me. I am roaming in their forms. He, who sees Me in all these creatures is My beloved.” in Sri Sai Satcharitra, chapter IX.




Once upon a time, a man had to set out on a journey. In those days, most people traveled on foot, for it was only aristocrats and the rich who could afford horses and carriages.


The man’s wife packed some food so that he would not go hungry. He set out early in the morning, taking advantage of the coolness of the early hours.


Soon the day got hot and sultry. Having walked continuously the man grew tired and hungry. He began to look for a shady tree by the wayside, under which he could rest, eat his meal, refresh himself and proceed.


Such a tree was soon found. The man sat down in its shade, grateful at being able to take his weight off his weary feet. After some time, he opened the container of food that his wife had given him. Oh how inviting the food seemed to him! Truly had it been said that hunger was the best sauce!


Just as he was about to eat, he heard a plaintive, “Meaow!” Behind the tree, he saw a cat which had just given birth to a whole brood of kittens – there were seven of them – tiny little creatures, Their eyes tightly closed; meowed away in hunger!


The man’s heart touched with compassion. His own hunger forgotten, he emptied the box of food before the cat and gently signaled to her to come and eat. He then filled the empty box with water and set it before her, so that she may not go thirsty.


Having done this, he felt a wonderful sense of satisfaction. He really felt as if he had undergone a lovely experience.


All of a sudden, it occurred to him that the cat might be hungry again after some time. Where she could find food to eat on this lonely stretch of road?


His wife, a caring and considerate woman, had packed extra food in a second container, in case he should need it. So he emptied the second box too, before the cat, and filled the empty box with water. Now he felt happy. She could eat the food and drink the water whenever she wanted.


Without eating a morsel of food, the man went to his way. As he walked, he was blessed with a Vision of Light and filled his soul with joy and peace!




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