Sunday, December 20, 2009





Quantum leaps of faith are those financial, emotional, physical, or spiritual risks that take an enormous amount of courage (without abandoning the common sense the good Lord gave you). Each risk signals a decision you make to trust and obey God with your future, no matter how difficult his marching orders. God offers intense adventure and high rewards as you open your heart to the fullness of what he has in mind for you!




Have you dared to take the first step toward a dream that is tugging on your heart or to ask for what you want in spite of your fear? Have you given generously in complete faith to your church’s building fund, or perhaps, forgiven the unforgivable?


Have you risked being judged by others when you pursued an impossible goal, adopted an HIV-infected toddler, or changed careers in midlife? Have you dared to exchange numbness and boredom for a pulse? Have you shared your testimony about God’s power in your life? Have you leaped across cultural or generational barriers to solve a neighborhood problem, or jumped into a brand-new church ministry? Did you think outside the box for a solution or do something you never had considered doing before? Liz Curtis Higgs, author of a bestselling Bible study, Bad Girls of the Bible, and bestselling novel, Thorn in My Heart, took a quantum leap and is a sweet testimony to God’s faithfulness.




Liz, a former “bad girl,” is the author of twenty-two novels, nonfiction books, and children’s books with nearly three million copies in print. Liz believes deeply in Jesus who lavishes us with grace. She invites people to “Come meet a man who forgives sins. Even mine. Even yours, Beloved.” She loves to combine storytelling and Bible study with the goal of connecting women’s and children’s hearts with the grace-filled love of Christ.


Liz took a quantum leap of faith in 1995 when she realized that it was time to press beyond writing humor and encouragement pieces, which come easily to her, and begin to write biblically based fiction, which does not. Fiction requires much more of her: more book research, more heart research, and more time, money, and tears. She says, “Leapin’ on your own is not only scary, but dangerous. But a true leap of faith means letting go of what’s safe, secure, and predictable—and landing in the arms of our Lord Jesus, trusting him to catch you.


Believe me, if he is the one calling you to take the jump, he’s already got his arms open wide!”


When Have You Taken a Quantum Leap of Faith? Esther Took a Quantum Leap


Esther asked that all the Jews of Susa join her and her maids in a three-day fast, before she approached the king to beg him not to annihilate her people. She said, “And if I perish, I perish.” Read Esther 4:1–5:3. What risk is God asking of you in this season of your life? On a risk scale of 1 = It’s not too bad, 3 = This is tough, or 5 = I may perish, where would you rank it?




By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8)




Dear Lord, just like you called Abraham to go by faith, call me, _________, to a place I will later receive as my inheritance. I want it said about me that I obeyed and went, even though I did not know where I was going. Today I pray that I will rely on your Word as I face decisions. I ask specifically that you will give me the needed wisdom to know exactly what to do and when to do it. I ask that you would ignite a spirit of faith-based risk in me as your bold and devoted disciple. Nudge me more powerfully than you ever have before! I promise to stop looking down at my safety net as I traverse across the next high wire. You are my safety net, and I trust that you will be there to catch me if I fall.


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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