Sunday, December 13, 2009





Considering every possible aspect of your life, what do you want? This is not a trick question, but a basic one that must be answered by any person who wants to “end up somewhere.” There’s an old adage: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” So, before you travel any farther down any of’ road of life, ask yourself: “What is most important to me, and am I on the right track to get it?” Have fun for a moment and pretend that you could have one wish granted, but only one. What would you ask for? You may have to wrestle with your answer more than once on the pathway to purpose.






What do you want? Is it a month-long cruise to places you have only dreamed about visiting; a large home with a new car of your choice parked in the garage; adventure; passion; hope; or health? What takes top billing: a peaceful life, fulfilling career, or your child’s safety? What would do it for you? Family harmony, your parent’s salvation, a simple thank-you, or a fresh start? Would you set your sights on revenge,  significance, success, a big dream, or a life that glorifies God? Cheri Fuller, author of When Mothers Pray and The One Year Book of Praying Through the Bible, has some good advice on this topic.






Cheri is a prolific, award-winning author and inspirational speaker whose thirty-six books and messages (on topics including child development, fear, and prayer) renew the hearts of people in the United States and abroad. She enjoys writing for numerous magazines, encouraging readers to pursue a deeper experience with God and become all he created them to be. She’s a wife and mother of three grown children.



Though busy by nature, Cheri has discovered that through quiet prayer, she can know God, not just know about him. She is grateful that prayer paves the way for God’s grace and power to come into her life and the world around her. Cheri’s passion is to inspire people of all ages to catch a vision for the impact worldwide prayer can have. In particular, she loves equipping moms and dads for the important mission of praying for their children as their first priority in parenting.



After weighing everything, Cheri is sure that what she wants most out of life is a relationship with God and people, rather than recognition. She wants to live a life surrendered to the Lord, following him and obeying him wherever he takes her. And, she wants to eliminate completely the drivenness she once was caught up in. She says she has discovered that when she gives herself to God as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), letting Jesus live through her, speak through her, and love others through her by his Spirit, life is a great adventure! She adds, “Nothing compares to the greatness of God. Nothing! When you come to the conclusion that God is worth everything, I guarantee you, you will want nothing more in life than to live in his presence!”



Weighing Everything, What Do You Want Out of Life?

The Magi Knew What They Wanted Out of Life



The wealthy and prominent magi traveled from afar to bring gifts to Jesus, the new king of Israel. Read Matthew 2:1–12. When you get to heaven, what question might you want to ask these men about their discovery of Jesus as the Savior of the world?






Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:25–26)






Dear Lord God, whom have I, _________, in heaven but you? Transform my heart, Lord, so that earth has nothing I desire more than you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Today I pray that I will live a life of loving relationships, surrender, and obedience to you. Thank you for hearing my request as I humbly petition you for what I would like most out of life.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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