Monday, December 14, 2009

DECEMBER 15 - Tidings of Comfort and Joy

DECEMBER 15 - Tidings of Comfort and Joy



And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” — LUKE 2:13 – 14 NKJV



I heard the bells on Christmas day, their old familiar carols play . . .



Those “old familiar carols” are becoming harder and harder to find these days. Our contemporary culture is waging an all-out war against the true meaning of Christmas. I especially notice it in the music on the radio and in the stores. I hear plenty of songs about silver bells, jingle bells, and sleigh bells, but not a whisper about the church bells that announce the birth of the Babe in the manger. Melodic, rich, and deep, the true carols of

Christmas have spoken for centuries to countless generations, informing people of the real reason behind this holy day.



I used to sing carols by rote. In seasons past, I would put myself on automatic pilot and just let the music carry me. At other times, the tune became the focus, and I would work hard to get the harmony just right. I admit there were many times when I would gloss over the power-packed truth in each stanza. Not this year! No more am I taking Christmas carols for granted. It’s because they’re becoming so rare. I am savoring and treasuring each line of every carol I gladly lift to the Lord.



I encourage you on this Christmas Day to do the same. Ask the Spirit to quicken the words, illumine your understanding of the Christmas text, and make your worship of him pure and purposeful as you sing. Pray that others around you will sing the same way! If the media and the malls can bend over backwards to take Christ out of Christmas, then we who believe in the Lord Jesus can more than match their energy.



Lord, as our world and culture grow darker, I pray that we your people, with happy hearts, in glad song, and in holy worship, would shine all the brighter in contrast.


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