Wednesday, December 9, 2009





God has gifted you with a life message to share with the world. That message or idea is what he wants you to communicate to others. Being chosen as one of God’s spokespersons is both an important responsibility and an awesome privilege. Some women run from the task; others experiment with it for only a brief period of time; and some fully embrace it. Just remember that a message is not a message until it is delivered! It is your choice today to decide how you will respond to God’s invitation to carry his message to his world. It might be interesting for you to take note of what message your friends like to share with others for God! Uncovering their life messages will definitely give you a clue about God’s plan for their lives and why you like them so much. Perhaps their life message challenges you or helps you refocus.






Have you noticed that the same encouraging comment comes spilling out of your heart and mouth all the time? For example, Hope against all odds. Or, Jesus loves you. Do you sometimes feel like a preacher when you say to someone: Serve as if you are serving Jesus. Or, you will find freedom in Christ. What Christ like theme ranks at the top of your list? Love one another. Or, surrender to Jesus Christ today. What do you wish you could shout from the mountaintop? Forgive one another. Or, protect unborn babies. Diane Dunne, street preacher to New York City’s homeless, loves being a bold and practical messenger for God.






Diane experienced success working her way up the corporate ladder at Chanel, a prestigious cosmetics company. Later, after her conversion to Christ, she went to work in a Christian bookstore. Eventually, she teamed up with Teen Challenge and began working with youth in street evangelism. In 1987, she founded Hope for the Future Ministries, where she pastors the Church Without Walls on the streets of New York City’s Lower East Side. Diane has served as an evangelist for the past twenty one years. She believes that a building does not make a church, but that we are the universal church!



Diane loves to minister to and feed the poor and homeless, especially those who are elderly. Her message: God does not discriminate. Regardless of race, socioeconomic status, age, education, denomination, or personal plans, he will use the heart that is willing to serve him. Diane’s earnest conviction is to tell others to live out their passion and to reach their full potential in Christ.



She says, “Our heavenly Father is constantly thinking about us and desires us to have a spiritually intimate relationship with him. He wants us to transform an uncaring and self-serving society into a radical church that seeks opportunities outside the proverbial box—in its service for him. Whatever message he gave you to share, why not start sharing it now with passion? You will be blessed.”



What Were You Born to Tell the World? John the Baptist Had a Life Message from God



John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for the Lord. His life message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Read Matthew 3:1–12. How would you like to have been assigned John’s message and place in history?






However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. (Acts 20:24)






Dear Lord Jesus, I, _________, consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task you have given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. Today I seek to know and deliver the message that I was sent into the world to carry. What an awesome privilege to be a trusted messenger.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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