Sunday, December 27, 2009




God has everything you need to complete the assignments he gives you. On a moment’s notice, he can send you whatever you require. So, what is it you need to do his work on earth?


Talk to him about it today. God is waiting for you to ask for his help. Ask him to give you the tools, abilities, people, and supplies you need. Rely on his infinite possibilities when you start to get overwhelmed with your finite amount of time, insight, or grace toward others. That which is impossible for you is possible with God. Ask him to prepare you well for your life mission.




What do you need most? Is it discernment about who to trust, or is it vision, courage, or financial resources? God can provide you with a loving support system, energy, and even a platform. Do you need permission from some key person to proceed? Do you need a spiritual mentor to help you comprehend your sufficiency in Christ? Do you need more faith, clarity, knowledge, or balance in life? Do you want to ask God for more creativity, compassion, or for a strategic plan or a ministerial network? Ask him for what you need today. Is it the development of your character (for example, confidence or reliability) or the development of spiritual habits (tithing, fasting, or a simple lifestyle)? Barb Lindquist, the world’s top-ranked female, professional, Olympic distance-triathlete, figured out exactly what she needs and now she is asking for it.




Barb was a world-ranked swimmer at Stanford University during her college years. She feels blessed that triathlons exist, because she loves to swim, bike, and run. Triathlons, like all sports, are performance-based, and Barb admits that it’s a very human reaction to get feelings of self-worth from racing well.


But God has shown Barb that he loves her no matter how she races. Living this truth takes away the pressure of racing well and frees her to express the athletic abilities God has given her. Triathloning is Barb’s mission field! She travels around the world, training and racing for God’s glory—and telling fellow triathletes and sports fans how much she loves Jesus.


Barb says that she still needs God’s boldness to do his work better. She knows that in unfamiliar social settings, she can be shy and quiet about God’s extravagant love for her, instead of radiating his boldness. She adds, “God gives each of us unique abilities. Then he equips us with extra blessings (like boldness, time, money, etc.) to maximize our work for him. We please God when we ask to be equipped and when we rely on his strength—not our own.”


What Equipping Do You Still Need for God’s Work? David Needed Equipping


When David went out to meet the giant Goliath, he chose not to wear a helmet and coat of armor, but he went equipped with the power of the Lord Almighty. Read 1 Samuel 17:32– 51. When you fight “giants,” what do you always like to take with you?




And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. (Hebrews 13:20–21, NLT)




Dear Lord, I pray now that you, the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, will equip me, _________, with all I need for doing your will. In fact, today I ask expectantly for a dramatic equipping to do your work on earth and serve you more completely!


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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