Wednesday, January 6, 2010





Most women have at least one unhealthy method of escape that numbs the pain of tough realities. What about you? Oh, you say that your escape technique is under control and inactive right now! Well, in that case, please note that even a dormant volcano has the potential to erupt and spew lava. In fact, the minute you claim to have overcome an escapist tendency, it will probably pop up again more dramatically or recruit a worse temptation to substitute for itself. Be willing to see the truth today. Facing this head-on can change your life forever. Ask yourself: “What happens to my self-control when I feel the need to escape? What is camouflaging itself as a treat when, in reality, it’s a trick to keep me from God’s best?”






Where do you go when you want to escape? Track your footsteps. Follow your trail for a minute. Do you go to the refrigerator to eat junk food, the mall to spend money you don’t have, the telephone for long gripe sessions, or the liquor store for booze? Do you seek perfectionism in assignments to feel in control or watch television programs day and night to hide from reality? For some women, inhaling nicotine takes them to a numbing place; for others, it’s smoking marijuana or popping pills. Do you rage at your children, view internet pornography, watch a violent movie, read a trashy romance novel, or have an affair—all to gain momentary relief from pressure? What’s the dangerous game you play with your destiny? Karen Hill, a children’s author, is a bit of an expert on this topic. Listen to what she has learned.





Karen is a bestselling children’s author as well as assistant and editor for another bestselling author—Max Lucado. Karen was raised by parents who were devoted Christians and was strengthened by their Rock of Gibraltar-type of faith. Her heart has always belonged to her Savior, and for him she would do anything. Currently she knows that his plan for her life is to help young people accept the unconditional love of God and to help Max accomplish his unique assignment.


Karen’s most destructive method of escape is workaholism. Her high need to accomplish her goals and be productive keeps her running back to her desk day and night. The good news is that God has now blessed her with three loving grandchildren, and they are ever-so-diligently teaching her how to relax in the most delightful ways—simply by being together. They are instructing her in the lost art of playing.


She says, “When we women feel compelled to keep everything running smoothly and to solve everyone’s problems, we overlook our own emotional, spiritual, and physical health. It’s then that we are tempted into unhealthy methods of escape. Sometimes rest or play is the holiest of choices. A balance of being and doing is the key, and that’s what I’m trying to learn. Even Jesus, as busy as he was, took time to be alone in prayer with his Father and attend a wedding celebration!”


What Is Your Unhealthy Method of Escape? The Pharisees Had an Unhealthy Method of Escaping from Truth


The Pharisees escaped into a world of legalism, which allowed them to ignore the need for loving relationships. Jesus criticized their crutch of hiding behind the law. Read Matthew 23:1–33. It’s not pretty! What do you think are the two most common ways women avoid the truth about themselves or their circumstances?




Teach me to see what I still don’t see. Whatever evil I’ve done, I’ll do it no more. (Job 34:32, MSG)




So, dear Lord God, teach me, _________, to see what I still don’t see. Whatever evil I’ve done, help me to do it no more. Today I ask you to help me admit my unhealthy escapism and avoidance tactics and to stop hiding in them. I am tired of the severe consequences they cause in my life. Guide me into your freedom, especially when I try to dull the pain in an illegal or immoral way or to run away into oblivion. Teach me how you want me to rest and play, always remembering that you are the only true restoration of my spirit.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?



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