Friday, January 15, 2010





Parents’ reactions to their child’s actions can either make their kid feel discouraged, or encouraged. There are no “bad” or “good” kids; only “discouraged” or “encouraged” children whose behavior reflects their parent’s reactions.



The 4 C’s of encouragement:





Kids receive unconditional love


Kids get a lot of loving eye contact


Kids get a lot of affectionate hugs and touches


Parents play and talk with their kids


Child’s feelings are listened to and validated


Parents have fun with their kid



Feel Capable


Kids learn skills


Kids are taught social skills and how to act


Mistakes are used as opportunities to learn


Kids are able to do a lot of things for themselves


Parents focus on the positive aspects of their child’s efforts


Parents show confidence in their child’s abilities





Child’s ideas and opinions are respected and accepted


Parents show interests in their child’s interests and thoughts


Children are recognized as individuals of equal value


Kids are a part of family meeting, giving kids a equal voice





Kids are given tasks, like household chores


Child’s help is accepted and appreciated


Child’s efforts are appreciated


Child is given responsibilities



Encouraging your child


Build on your child’s strengths


Show confidence in your child’s abilities


Appreciate your child’s abilities


Encourage your child’s independence


See your child’s performance through their eyes


Avoid putting child into “boxes” and encourage your child to do the things they are not so good at.


When parents encourage their child’s abilities, parents create limitless possibilities for their kids. Encouraged children will excel so much more in life than those kids who are put into “boxes” of what they are good at. Have confidence in your child and watch them achieve greatness!





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