Saturday, January 9, 2010




Baba said, “When his ego is completely annihilated and there is left no trace of it, I Myself shall enter into him” in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. II.



Abu Usman Al-Hari was reputed to be a man who never lost his patience.


One day, a man invited him to a feast. When he arrived at the place, the host said to him, “Please forgive me for having called you. Do kindly go away and may the Lord have mercy on you!”


Abu Usman returned home without a bitter feeling in his heart.


The host, however, followed him and, once again invited him to the feast.


Without a murmur, Abu Usman accompanied him. But the host stopped him again at the door and begged to be excused.


Abu Usman returned home without a word of complaint.


The drama was repeated a number of times. But every time Abu Usman remained calm and peaceful in the heart within.


Then the host said to him, “Abu Usman, it was only to test your patience that I acted thus. You have proved to yourself. You are a true man of God. I bow down to you. Pray bestow on me your blessings.”


“Praise me not,” said Abu Usman. “What I have done only proves that I am no better than a dog. A dog comes when he is called and retires when we chase him away.”



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