Friday, January 1, 2010

JANUARY 1 - An Eternity of Discovery

JANUARY 1 - An Eternity of Discovery


Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those

who love Him. — 1 CO RIN THI ANS 2:9 NKJV


It’s a new year, a time for the adventure of discovery. And I love it. I’m the first to take a side road to explore a different part of the countryside. There is something about wheeling along a path I’ve never traveled or driving down a highway for the first time that stirs my excitement and curiosity. What’s around that next corner? What’s over that next hill? That’s what the thrill of discovery will do for you. You feel truly alive, with all senses fully engaged.


Now . . . just think of heaven! Think of all there will be to learn and explore. And because God himself is eternal, the discovery will never, never end. We will delve into unknown worlds and perhaps even second and third universes. All of these discoveries will magnify the greatness of our Creator.


On this earth explorers and scientists will continue to make new discoveries, and for those who honor God, we will marvel again and again at his character, his handiwork, and his creative genius. But just imagine what God is saving for us to discover about himself and his creative might throughout all eternity! Understanding his glory — and responding in worship — will be a never-ending adventure.


Commit to entering this New Year fully alive with all your senses engaged! You are about to learn and explore God’s perfect plan for you for the next 365 days. And one more thing: If you find yourself in a drab, humdrum moment today — perhaps standing at the gas pump — turn your thoughts toward your future home. Do you have loved ones on the other side? Imagine the awe and joy they are experiencing right now! Let your visions of a radiant heaven awaken your sense of adventure for this year ahead.


Lord of all eternity, give me a sense of adventure about the new year. Help me to see that this year brings me closer to my Eternal Home where I will enjoy your presence forever!


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