Wednesday, January 6, 2010

JANUARY 7 - A Right Resolution

JANUARY 7 - A Right Resolution


Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. — 2 CO RIN THI ANS 4:16


My first week of New Year’s resolutions is behind me. Truth is I am not big on making them (it’s probably because I never keep them). Give up desserts for a year? I blow that at the first sight of a chocolate éclair. A few years ago I made a resolution to answer all my mail within a week of receiving it — I’m still catching up on November’s letters. The list goes on: do not bite nails . . . give up sugar . . . quit being a slave to email . . . put smaller portions on your plate . . . turn off the TV . . . organize your ATM receipts.


There is, however, one resolution worth considering. Second Co rinthians 4:16 states that the inner man — your inner being, the new creation — must be renewed “day by day.” It’s a necessity. The inner man has to be daily nourished, whether it’s January seventh, eighth, ninth, February, March, summer, or fall. Too often we feed our inner being only on Sunday mornings or when we hear a good sermon or during a monthly Chris tian luncheon or a seasonal Bible retreat. Many of us allow the year to wear us down because we ignore this simple fact — our fellowship with God must be renewed day by day. Our inner being metabolizes quickly and just one day of neglect will bring on spiritual malnutrition.


I pray “that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man” (Ephesians 3:16 KJV). Covenant with God today to invite his Spirit to replenish you as you spend time in his Word and in prayer. It’s a must. It’s one resolution you can’t afford not to keep. It’ll make this year happy.


Lord Jesus, show me fresh insights every day in your Word. Reveal your heart to me in prayer . . . and in so doing, renew my inner being, day by day.


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