Thursday, January 14, 2010

JANUARY 15 - A Borrowed Smile

JANUARY 15 - A Borrowed Smile


For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. — PSALM 63:7 NASB


In a crowded ladies restroom during a break at a Chris tian conference, a well-dressed woman putting on lipstick turned to me and said, “Oh Joni, you always look so together, so happy in your wheelchair. I wish I had your joy! How do you do it?” Several around her nodded. “I don’t do it,” I said. “In fact, may I tell you honestly how I woke up this morning?” Several women leaned against the counter to listen. “This is an average day. After Ken leaves for work at six, I’m alone until I hear the front door open at seven. It’s a friend coming to get me up. While she makes coffee, I usually pray, ‘Lord, my friend is about to give me a bath, get me dressed, sit me up in my chair, brush my hair and teeth, and send me out the door. I don’t have the strength to face this routine one more time. I have no resources. I don’t have a smile for the day, but you do. May I borrow yours? I urgently need you, God.’


“So when my friend walks into the bedroom, I turn my head on my pillow and give her a smile sent straight from heaven. It’s not mine, it’s God’s. Whatever joy you see today” — I gestured at my paralyzed legs — “was hard won this morning.”


I have learned, as I hope those women learn, that the weaker we are, the harder we must lean on God. And the harder we lean on him, the stronger we discover him to be.


Where do you feel weak today? When you borrow from God the strength, courage, and joy you don’t have, people can’t help but notice. Just make sure they know where it came from!


Lord, be my strength today — not only in the areas where I know I am weak but also in the areas where I think I am strong. And may all the credit, all the glory be yours.


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