Wednesday, January 27, 2010




When you clarify something, you illuminate it or shed light on

it. Ask yourself today: “What area of my life still needs a floodlight

shined on it?” There’s so much to figure out and so little

time to do it, that you even need to be clear about what you

need clarified! In other words, ask God specifically what you

want to know. Learning to ask for clarity is a skill that will help

you become all God intends for you to become.




Are you still having trouble trying to decide where to worship

on Sundays or what school to choose? Do you need help

clarifying what house rules to set for teenagers, how to help a

friend who is a hypochondriac, or how to find a spiritual growth

mentor? Do you need clarification about whether to ask a secular

expert or a Christian counselor for advice, what cause to

champion, what rights to give up, what goals to set, how to

find a job that uses your passion and spiritual gifts, or how to

establish a budget? Are your supervisor’s instructions still

unclear to you, or do you need more information about a

health issue? Becky Tirabassi has sold more than a million

books, tapes, and videos, including Change Your Life, but she

is ready for God to clarify one important assignment.




Becky is president of Becky Tirabassi Change Your Life®

Inc., a multimedia (television, radio, and publishing) company

designed to encourage people to change their lives for the better—

physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. She has

been married for more than twenty-five years and is the mother

of an adult son.


Two decades ago, Becky made a commitment to God to

pray for an extended time each day, and she is humbled that he

has helped her keep that commitment. She believes that these

appointments with God have singlehandedly changed every

area of her life, and that they will continue to do so! Becky

shares that, from the moment of her dramatic conversion to

Christ at age twenty-one, lifting her from alcoholism and

immorality, she was compelled to share the love, forgiveness,

and power of the living, loving God with anyone who would

listen. She was drawn especially to those who were seeking love,

hope, and truth, but who were not going to a church to find

the answers. After a forty-day partial fast eight years ago, she

felt God directing her to start a company designed to creatively

reach unbelievers with a balanced-life message. Today, this company

is helping millions of Christians and those seeking Christ.


Becky isn’t timid about asking what next steps she needs

clarified to pursue her own television talk show. She comments

that she feels similar to how Joshua probably felt standing at

the edge of the Jordan River before crossing over. She knows

that she must take a step of faith, believing God to do the

impossible, yet the outcome is ominous unless God intervenes

to open doors. On the tough days, when nothing but rejection

calls come in, it’s easy to wonder if she heard God correctly.


But fueled by faith, tenacity, and her husband’s encouragement,

she is compelled by the dream God put in her heart many years

ago that will not go away: to take the good news to those who

need him, don’t know him, and have misconceptions about

him and Christians.


She says, “My greatest resource for ongoing clarification has

been the prayer journal, My Partner, God prompted me to

design. If I did not write down that I regularly hear him telling

me to keep coming, the disappointments would have caused me

to give up long ago. But because God makes just enough time

in my schedule each day for me to read from my 365-day Bible

and then journal, there is one voice I continue to hear above all



What in Your Life Needs Further Clarification? Martha Needed Clarification


Martha needed to understand the value of being versus

doing, to realize that sitting at Jesus’ feet, like her sister Mary,

was just as vital as preparing the evening meal. Read Luke

10:38–42. Is the balance between being and doing something

you need clarified?




“I [God] speak to him [Moses] face to face, directly and not in riddles! He sees the LORD as he is.” (Numbers 12:8, NLT)




Dear Lord God, speak to me, _________, face to face, directly

and not in riddles! I want to hear your voice clearly and see you

as you are. Today I pray for clarification from you about all

aspects of my life and about my next steps, every step of the way.

I ask for my eyes to be opened as you allow me to see the truth

you want me to see. Take away all of my deliberate, spiritual



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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