Tuesday, January 26, 2010

JANUARY 27 - Wonder

JANUARY 27 – Wonder


As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. — MARK 9:15


The first time I saw the Grand Canyon, I stood in silent wonder. When I felt the spray of Niagara Falls against my face, I did the same. I will never forget that crystal clear night in the Sierras when the stars looked like powdered sugar. I was breathless with wonder. Today’s verse describes wonder well — it’s a powerful emotional response, which literally overwhelms us with amazement and delight.


It’s a fine line between wonder at God and worship of God. That he would bless us with eternal pleasures when he could easily char us like burnt toast is a wonderful thing. His grace and goodness make us stand breathless. It’s why Isaiah 9:6 calls him “wonderful.”


Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Holy wonder will lead you to grateful worship and heartfelt thanksgiving. It will cause within you godly watchfulness; you will be afraid to sin against such a love as this. Feeling the presence  of the mighty God in the gift of His dear Son, you will put off your shoes from your feet, because the place whereon you stand is holy ground. You will be moved at the same time to glorious hope. If Jesus has done such marvelous things on your behalf, you will feel that heaven itself is not too great for your expectation. Who can be astonished at anything, when he has once been astonished at the manger and the cross? What is there wonderful left after one has seen the Savior?”6


It is the desire of the Holy Spirit to show you how full of wonder Jesus truly is. In preparation for Sunday worship this week, ask the Spirit to reveal fresh, new insights into the gracious character of Christ. Ask him to overwhelm you with a sense of wonder so that your adoration of God overflows with amazement and delight.


Jesus, you are the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace. I love you!


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