Monday, January 11, 2010

JANUARY 12 - White-Water Rafting

JANUARY 12 - White-Water Rafting


I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory. — EZEKIEL 43:2


His voice was like the sound of rushing waters. — REVELATION 1:15


When I got out of the hospital, my Eagle Scout cousin, Eddie, took me canoeing down the Gunpowder River in Maryland — he wedged a foldable beach chair in the front of his canoe and sat me in it. At first, I was frightened when we hit white water. Our canoe slapped up and down in the river, and I yelled, “Is everything under control back there?”


Eddie called out, “No problem.” That’s all I needed to know. I was still scared, yet relaxed. Frightened, yet thrilled. And I had the ride of my life. Embracing God is something like rafting through white water. David Swartz wrote, “God resonates throughout his being with a fiery love. All those who long to embrace God should expect boulders and white water.


Sometimes God is better found in turbulence than in security; calm may be a stagnant backwater for the faithless. Others may hold back, stick a toe in the water, or splash around to test the temperature. But let us plunge into God’s love and be swept away in life abundant and eternal.”2


My cousin Eddie told me that no one ever really beats white water. You learn to respect it and move with it. Under a deep roar lies wild power that nothing can tame, and it graciously rewards those who esteem it. There is something about God that’s a little like rafting through white water. There are times we are — and should be — scared; yet because we rest in his control, we can feel safe. How would you describe your relationship with God? Safe and predictable? Watch out! You could be in for the ride of your life this year!


Lord, I cling to you in the tumult of my life. Take me over the rough waters and land me safely on the other side.


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