Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JANUARY 14 - The Bible Trunk

JANUARY 14 - The Bible Trunk


But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. — PSALM 1:2 – 3


The Ten Commandments have been hand carried out of courtrooms, and in some places, school children cannot pledge allegiance to “one nation under God.” Even Chris tian pastors cannot pray in the name of Jesus at public events. I know this breaks your heart as it does mine. Especially when we consider the Bible is the source of western culture.


Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi of L’Abri Fellowship describes how the Bible is like a trunk on a large tree. Its branch of truth has given rise to liberty, education, and science. The Bible’s branch of law has sprouted smaller branches of justice, democracy, rights, and equality. Grace has brought forth the blessings of family, community, righ teous ness, and forgiveness.


Wisdom has sprouted health, peace, technology, and prosperity. Finally, the branch of faith from the Bible has resulted in character, morality, sacrifice, and heroism. These characteristics of western civilization all find their root in the Word of God. To debunk the Bible in western culture is to push the self-destruct button!4


For almost a century the American church has reacted to the secular agenda without significant advancements. Rather than kneejerk responses to secularism, we must now mount a positive effort that reintroduces the Bible into western culture. Pray for Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi of The Book of the Millennium Project — as well as Dr. Ravi Zacharias, his fellow journeyman, as they labor in the media, the corporate world, and in universities to cast the vision of the unique importance and unmatched value of the Bible to all culture.


Lord God, I pray for great Chris tian philosophers who are working hard to show the world the power of God’s Word to shape nations and cultures. May the nations of the world cleave to the Bible as the source for truth, law, grace, wisdom, and faith.


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