Friday, January 1, 2010

JANUARY 2 - What's Up Ahead

JANUARY 2 - What’s Up Ahead


Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righ teous ness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. — PSALM 37:5 – 6


I sit so tall in my wheelchair that I need a van with a raised roof. The trouble is, I can’t see the road. My friend Careen and I once drove from Chicago to Urbana and I didn’t see a single cornfield or farmhouse for three and a half hours! She kept describing lovely country landscapes, but it only frustrated me. I wanted to see. I’m the sort of person who likes to know what lies ahead. If I can’t see the whole road, then at least a few feet?!


We are like that spiritually. We say to God, “If you don’t mind, please show me where I am going. I don’t need to see the whole road, but at least a little bit.” We think our faith has to be supported by a bit of evidence. A hint, a signpost, a whisper . . . something to give us a clue as to what God is doing. We wrongly assume that faith is the ability to take a couple of puzzle pieces and be able to envision the entire picture. Not so. Faith that must be supported by the five senses is not genuine. Jesus said to doubting Thomas, “You have believed me because you have seen me, but blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”


Our insistence upon discerning what’s up ahead is natural, but it is a hindrance to real faith. It’s why God constantly encourages us to trust him in the dark (Isaiah 50:10). True faith means resting in who God is. He has charged himself with full responsibility for your eternal happiness, and he stands ready to take over the management of your life. He is wise and good. Trust him with what’s ahead.


No ifs, ands, or buts, dear God. I trust you with the road ahead!


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