Monday, January 4, 2010




God likes to use those who are teachable. He looks for people who are lifelong learners. He needs women who are willing to learn new techniques, styles, processes, and skills, as may be necessary to do his work. What is it that would help you complete all the purposes God has planned for you?




What’s the most important thing you need to learn? Is it parenting skills, Scripture memorization techniques, or moderation? Is it communication skills, so you can be a better spouse; time management skills, so you can be a better steward of God’s time; or boundary and margin training, so you can say no to other people’s goals for your life? Do you need some help in overcoming a fear, learning how to relax, or being intimate?


Do you need a deeper knowledge of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, or church doctrine? Do you need to learn how to relate better to people, when to speak up, or how to speak a foreign language? Do you think it would be helpful if you knew more about human nature or picked up some leadership pointers? Would you feel better prepared if you learned more about the specific field in which you hope to make a contribution?


Thelma Wells, an author and keynote speaker for the Women of Faith conferences, loves learning new things.




Thelma is a Christian mother to people all over the world. Her goal is to inspire, encourage, influence, and empower others to be their best for Christ. She estimates that she speaks to more than 400,000 women each year. As an inspirational speaker, Thelma delivers this formula for success: B + E + E = S. (Be aware of who you are + Eliminate the negatives in your life + Work for Eternal Value. That will = Success.) She has the

privilege of sometimes traveling with her adult daughters as a ministry team.


Thelma has been a Christian since she was four years old. She believes in the promises of God and in the entire Bible as his unerring Word. She asks daily to be clothed in his righteousness. Thelma says that although she just completed a degree in theology she needs to learn more about the sovereignty (supreme power and authority) of God through his Son, Jesus. And she says, “One of the most critical things to learn in this life is to trust God with everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly.”


What Do You Need to Learn? Thomas Needed to Learn Something


Doubting Thomas needed to learn to trust Jesus. Read John 20:24–28. How are you doing in the trust department?




“I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.” (Psalm 32:8, TLB)




Dear Lord, instruct me, _________, and guide me along the best pathway for my life. Advise me and watch my progress. Today I want to acknowledge that you are the only true source of all wisdom and knowledge, and I so appreciate your patience with me as I learn about you, your love, and the life you want me to live. Make me more teachable day-by-day. I want to learn how to better represent you. Help me set realistic goals about what I should focus on learning next.


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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