Tuesday, January 19, 2010

JANUARY 20 - Thought Patrol

JANUARY 20 - Thought Patrol


When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches

away what was sown in his heart. — MATTHEW 13:19


The devil can invade our mental privacy?! The very thought sends shivers. And it should. Satan tries to tap into our brains all the time. He’s a regular soul-hacker — like the techno-geeks on their computers at home, breaking security codes and logging onto sensitive government systems. Scripture calls him “the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient,” and today’s verse describes his access to the human soul.


People joke about this and say, “The devil made me do it.” They laugh because they don’t think he exists. And if there is a devil, he’s their ex-spouse. Meanwhile their minds are as soaked with his suggestions as a pickle in vinegar. They don’t see him — he’s a spirit. They don’t hear him — he has tiptoed in sock-footed. If they do catch some small noise at their mind’s door, they assume it’s just opportunity knocking.


But Chris tians know better; they understand the power of their invisible tempter. We are aware, as well as wary. The wonderful thing for the Chris tian is, 1 John 4:4 says, “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” His Spirit helps you stand guard over your mind with the power of God’s Word.


Put a barbwire fence around your thinking. Make your will “stand guard” over your mind with the ammunition of God’s Word. Learn to recognize the devil’s tactics so that you can shoot down every suggestion — every temptation — of the Enemy today. And take courage knowing that if Satan can be stealthy for evil’s sake, God is much more at work for goodness’ sake.


Spirit of Christ, please help me stand guard over my thoughts today. Help me resist any suggestion from the devil that I offend you, hurt my brother, or tarnish my own testimony through sin or selfishness

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