Saturday, January 16, 2010




What fills you with a deep sense of gratitude? Is it your family, friends, faith, education, food, shelter, and clothing? Today, try to focus on something that you don’t ordinarily dwell on. Living a life filled with gratitude will remind you of how fondly God has cared for you in the past and present, and that he has only good plans for your future.




We take so much for granted, be it our transportation, our vacations, or our health. What miracle of life are you enormously grateful for? Is it a challenge you survived that made you stronger? Is it freedom, grace, forgiveness, your job, or your pets? Are you grateful that your infant is sleeping through the night; that your children are saved and safe; or that you ended up with a great daughter-in-law? Are you grateful for your eyesight or hindsight; for the sunshine or rain; or for the unexpected second chance you got? Are you grateful for a circumstance that helped morph you into a better person, a time when you were affirmed for your talents, or a sweet childhood memory? Charlotte Smith-Taylor, a professional basketball player in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), has much to be grateful for.




Charlotte was thrilled to sink the winning shot in the 1994 national championship game, giving the University of North Carolina its first women’s collegiate basketball title. She feels that she has been handpicked by God for the WNBA—to use basketball as a platform to share her faith in Jesus Christ with fans, especially children. But nothing brings Charlotte greater pleasure than to follow Christ’s example of servanthood; she loves giving of herself and her time to help others.


Charlotte is grateful for every opportunity she has to share Jesus Christ because she knows that when she shares Jesus, she gives life to others. She is also grateful for a family who loves the Lord as much as she does and for the wonderful Christian husband God recently gave her. She adds, “And, I’m grateful for my favorite gospel artist, Yolanda Adams!”


Charlotte says, “Try your best to give thanks to God in everything you do. Develop an attitude of gratitude. That will help you smile and do things as though you are doing them for him.”


What Are You Most Grateful For? Bartimaeus Was Grateful


Bartimaeus, the blind man, was grateful that Jesus gave him sight. After he was healed, he followed Jesus. Read Mark 10:46–52. Think about this today: Would you still be a grateful woman, even if God never did anything else for you?




One of them [one of ten lepers], when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:15–17)




Dear Lord Jesus, your Word says that only one of the ten lepers, a lowly Samaritan amidst nine Jews, came back when he saw that he was healed. That grateful man praised God in a loud voice, threw himself at your feet, and thanked you. Jesus, I, _________, never want you to ask of me, “Were you not cleansed too? Where are you?” Today I throw myself at your feet, filled with gratitude for how you have cleansed me and for all

you have done for me. I ask you to remind me constantly of all the other things I have to be grateful for. Fill me with an abundance of gratitude. I want to say thank you with my life!


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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