Wednesday, January 27, 2010




What incorrect or ungodly belief was ingrained into you as a

child? Do you understand that the first step in changing a longheld,

mistaken belief is identifying it as false? Take that step

today. Denounce it. Ask God to rid you of any diseased thinking.

Tell him that you do not want your incorrect thinking to

cause a delay in the unfolding of his plan for your life. Next,

depending on how much credence you gave to a false belief

over the years, you may need to write down what you now

believe and why you believe it. Date the entry and review it

periodically. Then, ask a good friend to hold you accountable

to owning your new beliefs.




Today is a good day to change incorrect concepts in your

belief system. Were you taught that God is harsh or that you

have to earn your salvation through good works? Is it time for

any of these thoughts to change: Don’t trust anyone. I have to

look out for my own best interest. Everything’s relative and there

are no absolutes, so I do whatever works for me. There are many

ways to get into heaven, not just through Jesus. I’m a victim. I’m

not good enough to help others. I’m not smart enough, holy enough,

worthy enough, prepared enough, pretty enough, or articulate

enough. Satan can snatch me out of God’s hand if I sin, which

translates as my salvation is not secure! How many more years

are you willing to listen to that type of deceitful thinking? Even

one more day is too long. Christine Wyrtzen, founder of

Daughters of Promise, eventually said, “Enough! I need to find

the truth for myself,” and she did.




Christine is a recording artist, author, speaker, and host of

the nationally syndicated radio program, Daughters of Promise.

She has recorded fifteen albums and written two books.

Christine says that the greatest thing she has learned in the past

twenty years is that being a Christian woman means loving and

being loved, not giving an impeccable performance. Christine

believes that living out God’s truth involves a spiritual transformation

at the core of our being. She says that engaging in

behavior modification techniques, which lead us to comply with

a belief system for the sake of complying, is not helpful in discovering

God’s best for our lives. Christine feels called to

awaken women to the extravagant love of God and teach them

to live as much-loved daughters of the King.


Long ago, Christine decided: “The Bible is simply a textbook

and, therefore, God is a subject to be studied.” To her,

the Bible only represented law, not life. Every verse was one

more thing to add to her already exhaustive list of expectations.

No more! She finally realized that couldn’t possibly be correct.

Where were the freedom and free will supposedly promised to

Christians? She finally mustered the courage to question her

basic childhood beliefs. Now she exclaims to all that it’s as if

her soul was awakened out of a deep sleep. She embraces the

love of God, as expressed through the exquisite beauty of his

Word, and she has a profound sense of well-being. She knows

that the Bible is the living, breathing revelation of God,

designed to help us know him.


She says, “From time to time, it is important to stop and

think about what you believe. Make a list of your core beliefs,

and then pray about each one for a full day before you come to

any final conclusions. It will amaze you how much incorrect

thinking you are carrying around from your youth, when you

were not spiritually mature enough to sort through concepts

for yourself.”


What Ingrained Belief Do You Need to Challenge?

The Prodigal Son Changed His Belief


The prodigal son believed that his father owed him his

inheritance! He had a dangerous attitude of personal entitlement,

until he had squandered his money and had to acknowledge

his sin. Read Luke 15:11–32. What harmful belief has

taken one of your loved ones down the wrong path?




Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

(Psalm 119:105)




Dear Lord, your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my

path. Today I, _________, pray that you would shake up my

thinking and help me challenge my ingrained beliefs. Walk

alongside me as I dare to uncover false doctrine, wrong theology,

unfair opinions, debilitating comments, and ungodly teachings.

Don’t let these thoughts hold me captive any longer. I want you

to release me to live the abundant life that you have planned

for me.


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

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