Monday, January 11, 2010




You’ve probably wrestled before with the question of how you would spend your last week on earth. Was your answer that you would eat, drink, and be merry; or did you have a more serious response? If you did have one week left, would you have any regrets about whether you had discovered and fulfilled God’s purposes for your life? Would you start racing around trying to get your entire life assignment accomplished in one week? There will be no need for a final flurry, if you start living today with a sense of urgency for doing God’s work.




If you were in great health, what would you scurry around doing the last seven days of your life? Would you go to your favorite vacation spot, give away all your money and possessions, pray around the clock for unbelievers, or videotape your testimony? Would you say “I love you” or “Jesus loves you” to as many people as possible? Would you get your finances in order, make amends, sleep, or write your memoirs? Arvella Schuller, television producer of Crystal Cathedral’s Hour of Power and wife of Robert for more than one-half century, knows firsthand about living with a sense of urgency.




Arvella is in full-time, team ministry with her husband. Her responsibilities at church include programming two morning worship services and serving as video/print editor. More importantly, she is a mother of five, grandmother of eighteen, and friend of a wonderful congregation, especially its women. Arvella grew up in a devout Christian home, and at age sixteen, she made a commitment to serve Jesus Christ full-time.

She has learned to lean on her Lord through the many challenges life has brought. She considers herself privileged to share a special relationship with Jesus Christ through her music and worship, and she has no doubt that God called her to use her gifts in those areas. She also feels led to share her faith with others.


What would Arvella do with one week left to live? When diagnosed with breast cancer at age fifty, she faced a similar question: “What would I do if I only had six to twelve months left to live?” Then at age sixty-eight, after a heart attack and open-heart surgery, she bled internally. While being rushed back into surgery, she was sure she was dying, yet she was so overpowered with Jesus’ presence and beauty that she did not think about her precious husband or family. That’s why she says that, if she only had one week left to live, she would tell others what a joy it is to serve Jesus and to spend time alone with him. She also would thank each one of her family members for making her so proud of them for becoming the people God wants them to be.


Arvella says, “I value each new morning. I am always amazed that God has given me yet another day to live and give away his love to my husband, family, church, television ministry, and yes, of course, to the clerks in our neighborhood store, dry cleaners, and post office.”


How Would You Spend Your Last Week on Earth? Hezekiah Only Had a Short Time to Live


When godly King Hezekiah became deathly ill, God granted his request of fifteen more years. During that time

Hezekiah trusted God even more and saw the defeat of the Assyrian army. Read Isaiah 38:1–8. What would you do with your time if you knew you had exactly fifteen years left to live?




God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. (1 John 5:11–12)




Dear God, you have given me, _________, eternal life, and this life is in your Son. You have made it clear that he who has your Son has life and he who does not have your Son does not have life. Today I ask you to give me a godly perspective about the temporal and eternal. Set my feet in motion as if it were my last week to affect lives for you. Help me to be grateful for every day you give me, knowing that each one is a priceless gift.


So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?


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