Wednesday, November 18, 2009





Jesus is, of course, our primary hero and role model. Secondary ones might include a biblical character, historical figure, family member, or even a literary character. Who has been a beacon of light, a ray of hope, or an inspiration to you? Who invested him or herself in your life? Who has filled a critical role for you? We all need someone we can look up to and learn from. Give this some thought today, because such people will nudge you toward God's best for your life.






Take a moment to think about one of your heroes or role models. Is it a parent, sibling, grandparent, mentor, teacher, pastor, missionary, benefactor, counselor, coach, or doctor?



Have you ever cut out a newspaper article on a local hero you admire? Have you learned a great deal by studying the life of the apostle Peter, Eleanor Roosevelt, General Patton, or Don Quixote? Or, have you learned about courage from a terminally ill friend? Karen Braun, director of Mothers Who Care, Canada

& International (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ), was fortunate as a young girl to have a hero enter into the chaos of her family's life.






Disappointments, hurt, ministry challenges, anxiety, and a ten-year struggle with infertility and two failed adoptions have taught Karen to embrace life's lessons through pain to find real peace, freedom, and truth. In addition to her role as director of Mothers Who Care, she is a pastor's wife, mother, daughter, sister, coach, mentor, and friend. She enjoys warm sunny days, color, beauty, reading, and painting.



She has learned that we make our plans, but that God directs our steps. She knows that his way and timing are perfect and that he wastes nothing. She says that she has encountered Truth—Jesus Christ. That relationship has challenged her, changed her, and continues to bring her new life as she surrenders daily to him. Karen's passion is to spark obedience to truth and influence an army to stand for freedom in Christ.



Karen loves to share a story about one of her heroes. He was a man by the name of Wes who, in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, went to Karen's childhood home to invite her older brothers to Vacation Bible School. Wes arrived on the farm at the exact moment Karen's alcoholic father had a noose around his neck in the barn loft, ready to take his life. Wes was able to share the hope of Jesus Christ with Karen's parents in those next hours, and both souls were saved that day! A direct result of Wes's obedience is that God called Karen and all of her siblings to himself. Three of the four serve in full-time ministry around the world; the entire family has brought hundreds more to a relationship with Christ.



Karen comments: "Real heroes and role models are ordinary people like Wes, who have developed character that has taught them to obey Christ. Their choice to follow God's principles and listen to his Spirit is life-giving to those they are sent to serve."



Who Is Your Hero or Role Model? Daniel Was a Hero



Daniel faced lions rather than bowing to a king whom others adored as a god. Read Daniel 6:1–28. Do you tend to hang around people who are this bold and daring for the Lord? What might such role models inspire you to do?






Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly

to the faith we profess. (Hebrews 4:14)






Dear Lord, since I have you, Jesus the Son of God, a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, let me hold firmly to the faith I, _________, profess. Today I ask you to help me always be receptive to those you send to influence me, those who can guide me to a closer, bolder relationship with you. Reveal to me the name of someone you would like me to learn from during this season of my life. Send me heroes and role models who love you with all their heart. And thank you for those you have already used to shape and mold me.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

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