Friday, November 6, 2009

NOVEMBER 7 - Send Me

NOVEMBER 7 - Send Me



Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I.

Send me!" - — ISAIAH 6:8



I'm a big fan of world history. The other day I was reading about the conquests of Alexander the Great. This young general in his twenties led his Greek army across all of North Africa as well as present-day Iran. He marched his troops over the mountains in Afghanistan, forged into Uzbekistan, and even battled his way into India. Amazingly, he did it all in a relatively short time. Alexander the Great's reputation went so far ahead of him, that people in villages simply "got out of his way" when they heard he was coming. When asked how he conquered the known world so quickly, it is said he replied, "Time after time I acted without delay!" It was the same way with Abraham — God told him to leave his country, and Abraham did so immediately (Genesis 12:4). Then there's Isaiah. When he heard the Lord calling, he jumped up and said happily, "Here am I. Send me!" Too often when we sense God calling us into action, we check and double-check the inward prompting until we've reasoned away the command. Sometimes we rationalize away the call, thinking we didn't quite hear God correctly.



Like Abraham, let's be willing to exchange the known present for the unknown future. When we sense the Spirit pushing us into action or urging us to obey God's command, let's exclaim, "I'm with you, Lord!" Perhaps we would respond more quickly if we understood the blessings that accompany simple obedience.

These times call for drastic obedience and for breaking outside our comfort zones. If your get-up-and-go has got up and went, then go get it. Time and again, act without delay. You will end up conquering your world for Christ.



Lord God, I am a foot soldier in the army of Christ. When I hear you give a command today, I purpose to step out and follow you. Give me courage to do this.



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