Wednesday, November 18, 2009





The world's definition of success is centered around things of this world—things you can earn, buy, demand, manipulate, be, or make. God's view of success is distinctly different: it is that we glorify him by obeying him. Are you ready today to think about prioritizing the two definitions and seeing whether you are more committed to the world's view or to God's? This is a great exercise if you want to finish well the race God has set out for you.






What type of success beckons you? Is it fame, wealth, possessions, power, perfection, or popularity? Is it an impressive job title, getting invited to the right parties, or being a size eight? Is it having a company car and a key to the executive elevator?



Is it academic excellence, looking good, meeting deadlines, or having an expense account? Is it being known on a first-name basis at the country club or having a reputation as a big tipper at restaurants? Or, is it more closely aligned with worshiping God with your life? Defining success differently was a radical step for Laura Krauss Calenberg and her husband, who are cofounders of Models for Christ.






Laura is a professional model who has traveled the globe on photo shoots, been featured on the runways of top designers, and appeared on the covers of European magazines. She is an author and a sought-after speaker on the topic of inner beauty.



God helped Laura realize that she was in a unique career shared by very few Christians. She seized the opportunity to use the platform for God's glory, and she began to challenge others in her field to do the same. She says that she grows closer to God when she releases his power within her and shares Christ with others.



Laura clearly spells out her definition of success: to bring glory to God. She believes that true success is coming to the place in your life when nothing else will satisfy your longings and desires except Christ. It is when your identity is wrapped up in him and not in yourself.



She says, "A successful person is one who uses the gifts and abilities that God has given her to make a difference. Whatever situation, place, or season she finds herself in, she knows that is the place God has earmarked for her to represent him."



How Do You Define Success? Zerubbabel Defined Success Well



Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, defined success as being God's servant. Overseer of the temple rebuilding project, he was compared to the Lord's signet ring, which was a symbol of honor, authority, and power. Read Haggai 2:20–23. What public figure today has Zerubbabel's definition of success?






Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 1:6)






Dear Christ Jesus, I, _________, am confident of this, that you who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of your return. I pray that today I will gain more clarity about true success, which is living for you, as you carry out your good work. Let me show up wherever you call me each day and cooperate with you, pointing others to you. Not only do I give you permission to make me successful in your eyes only, I welcome it. The world's success has always left me feeling thirsty for more, but success by your standards will fill me to overflowing.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

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