Monday, November 2, 2009

NOVEMBER 3 - Focus in Service

NOVEMBER 3 - Focus in Service



But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. — LUKE 10:40



Everywhere you look in the Bible, the ministry of service is lauded.



Even Jesus said, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). The heart of humility is found in sacrificial service, and great leaders are made great through their tireless aid on behalf of others. Martha was on the right path, even with her "much serving," as the King James Version puts it. We can never do enough in God's kingdom, and Martha is not to be chided for rolling up her sleeves to prepare a meal for such an honored guest as the Lord Jesus.



The problem was Martha's focus. Today's verse tells us she "was distracted by all the preparations." It wasn't that she was too busy or planned too many things on the menu; hustle and bustle and vigorous activity weren't the culprit. Martha simply allowed those things to distract her from her focus — the Savior. She lost joy in her labor, gladness in ministering to her Lord, and delight in exercising her gift for the good of the group. A complaining spirit took over as she focused on her sister, Mary, along with all the pots and pans!



It requires great spiritual discipline, as well as a consuming adoration for the Savior to not become encumbered by the hard work of energetic service. Great Christians of the past — and many in the present — have worn their fingers to the bone in the advancement of Christ's kingdom while maintaining a tranquil spirit and an unyielding focus on Christ. Don't shrink from serving the Lord today; just be certain to keep Jesus and his glory as your goal.



Lord Jesus, may your Spirit convict me if I become sidetracked by the demands of my Christian service, whether at home, work, or at my church. May you and your glory always be my focus.

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