Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NOVEMBER 17 - A Warm Spot

NOVEMBER 17 - A Warm Spot



But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. — PSALM 59:16



On an icy morning, it's natural to look for a warm spot. For you, it may be a steaming hot shower. Or flicking on the space heater in the bathroom while you brush your teeth. Perhaps you enjoy lighting the fire in the living room to have devotions while snuggling on the couch under an afghan. My sister Jay who lives on a farm, greets many a freezing dawn by turning on the oven and standing by its open door with her hands wrapped around a cup of tea.



Once I'm dressed and sitting up, once I've finished breakfast and am ready to head out the door, my friends and I take an important pause. We head for our favorite warm spot. It's the bedroom bay window seat, which looks out over my backyard. A tree frames one side of the window while, beyond the hedges, the distant Santa Susana Mountains complete the view. With pillows on the window seat, it's one warm spot that invites you to sit and linger.



In that cozy corner, the three of us always take time to open up our hymnbook to harmonize together over some beautiful old hymn. "When morning gilds the skies, / my heart awakening cries: / may Jesus Christ be praised!" Whatever the hymn, and whatever the weather, this is our warm spot. Safeguarding a quiet moment, admiring God's creation, and giving God pleasure each morning with our song — it's something that warms not only the body, but the soul.



Don't be in such a hurry with life that you rush past those warm, quiet places where you have met with the Lord and enjoyed each other's company. The peace and perspective that comes from those few sweet moments will color the rest of your day.



Thank you, Lord Jesus, that though you are the One holding the universe together, you still treasure the time with me in some quiet corner of my morning.

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