Thursday, November 19, 2009

NOVEMBER 20 – Remember

NOVEMBER 20 – Remember



He allowed no one to oppress [his anointed]. . . . The Lord made his people very fruitful. . . . He brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold. . . . He spread out a cloud as a covering, and a fire to give light at night. . . . He . . . satisfied them with the bread of heaven. He opened the rock and water gushed out. . . . He remembered his holy promise given to his servant Abraham. . . . Praise the Lord. — PSALM 105:14, 24, 37, 39, 40 – 42, 45



Emotions are one of the least reliable yet influential forces in our lives. One day, we are hopeful; the next, we hate. Despair at one time; delight, the other. Emotions are the surging, restless tides that keep ebbing and flowing, drawing us up, then pushing us down. The Psalms are a gyroscope, keeping moving things level, like a ship held steady in turbulent seas. This is why the Psalms often repeat the admonition to "remember the wonders he has done, his miracles and the judgments he pronounced" (Psalm 105:5).



My friend used to say, "Never doubt in the darkness what you once believed in the light." When hardship settles in, dark and brooding emotions can surge over us in a tide of doubt and fear. The only sure dike against a flood of glum feelings is to remember. We must recall sunnier times when we drove the pilings of God's goodness deep in our hearts. Happier times when we felt our moorings of trust hold ground. When we lived on his blessings, knew his favor, were grateful for his gifts, and felt the flesh and blood of his everlasting arms underneath us. This is what all forty-five verses of Psalm 105 call us to do.



While it is light, write down things you know to be true. When darkness comes, pull out your list and remember what your feelings have forgotten!



Lord, you are the Light of the World. Help me to remember your kindness and goodness to me when the horizon on my life begins to darken. Thank you for Psalm 105.

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