Thursday, November 5, 2009




What is the first fear that jumps into your mind? We all struggle with fears, some paralyzing, others mildly nagging. What about you? What is your greatest fear? Fear can motivate you to seek God's strength and power, or it can keep you from embracing new opportunities, including those that would help you fulfill his plan for your life.






I cross paths with women every day who have fears like these: heights, snakes, public speaking, cancer, terrorism, financial ruin, spiders, bridges, or dogs. Some have a fear of flying, falling, enclosed spaces, job loss, husband's death, being alone, fish, or chemical warfare. You may know someone who has a fear of abandonment, rejection, being attacked, failure, success, ridicule, or being found out that she's not smart. What about an extreme fear of dying, which causes you to avoid your annual checkup? Let's peek into the life of Michelle Akers, an Olympic soccer gold medalist, to see how she has wrestled with fear.






Michelle pursued and realized a successful career as an Olympian and world champion soccer player with the US women's national team. She spent fifteen years traveling around the world, living out of a suitcase, battling a serious illness (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), and undergoing twenty-five surgeries on her knees, shoulder, and face. She is now retired and spends quality time with her husband, family and friends, horses, and Australian shepherd dogs. Michelle has a soft heart for kids going through difficult circumstances, and so she participates in several summer soccer camps. Michelle recalls that her initial impression of Christians was that they were extremely judgmental, rigid in their behavior, and generally unimpressive in how they lived out their faith.



But after a series of tragedies and tough circumstances, Michelle came to understand God's abundant love, grace, and goodness— and she chose to trust him with her life and heart. Michelle admits that she continues to struggle with a stubborn, independent streak, but for the most part, she is holding steady to the road that God has chosen for her and relies daily on the strength and courage he provides her.



As Michelle stood on the gold medal platform after the 1996 Atlanta games and acknowledged the stadium full of cheering crowds and media, she felt that God was saying, "To whom much is given, much is required." He impressed upon her the vastness of his chosen sphere of influence for her. She understood that her assignment was to inspire and encourage people who were struggling through difficult life circumstances, especially those who wondered what their purpose was and how they were going to make it through another day. Since then, she has been determined to implant the Joshua 1:9 promise ("God will be with you") in as many hearts as possible.



Michelle's greatest, unrelenting fear has been that she will get her heart broken. Some rough family relationships set the stage for disappointment and broken trust. After much counseling, she is learning to put this fear behind her. Now, she has a deeper understanding of her relationship with God and with her husband, who "would outrun a herd of wild horses and wrestle six lions to be sure she was loved and safe."



Michelle sums up her feelings by saying: "With God's promise to be with me echoing loud and clear every day of my life, there is nothing too big, too terrible, too strong, or too disappointing for me to overcome."



What Are You Afraid Of ?



The Israelite Spies Were Afraid



Twelve spies were sent to explore the land of Canaan. Ten of them came back and instilled fear into the hearts of the Israelites with their reports of giants in the land. Only Caleb and Joshua were courageous. Read umbers 13–14. If you had been one of the spies, would you have been described as courageous or fearful?






The LORD said . . . "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:1, 9)






Dear Lord, you want me, _________ [your first name], to be strong and courageous. You said, "Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Today I pray that I will learn to trust you more and more. Help me track my progress toward freedom from fear, so that I can always remember how far you've brought me. I thank you in advance for delivering me from my fears.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?



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