Sunday, November 22, 2009

NOVEMBER 23 - Thanks but No Thanks

NOVEMBER 23 - Thanks but No Thanks



Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. — PSALM 136:1



I learned early on in my disability how important it is to say, "Thank you." So many people do so many things for me or to me. Someone has to help me into bed, help me out of bed, pour the coffee, get me dressed, brush my hair, brush my teeth, blow my nose . . . and I am quick to say, "Thank you for helping me." And I mean it. What's more, I say it a lot. The other day my friend Judy came into my office and asked if she could borrow ten dollars. I was busy and absentmindedly told her to take it out of my wallet, which she did. When I heard my purse snap shut, I automatically said in a cheery voice, "Thank you!" Judy gave me the strangest look and another friend standing nearby said, "What did you thank her for? She's the one who ought to thank you!" It was an odd thing for me to say, but I guess I'm just programmed to express my gratitude to people. Oh, were it only that way with the Lord Jesus! If only we were better "programmed" to be more grateful to God, to lift prayers countless of times during a day, saying, "Thank you, Lord, for this . . ." and "I am so grateful to you, Jesus, for that . . ."



The entire Psalm 136 is a litany of thanks to God and a wonderful portion of Scripture to recite on Thanksgiving Day. Plan a special celebration of gratitude with the family after dinner — make copies of Psalm 136 and go around the table, each person reading the first part of a verse, then everyone exclaiming the second part in unison, "His love endures forever!"



I give thanks to you, dear Father, for choosing me to be a part of your eternal family. I give thanks to you, precious Jesus, for rescuing me out of the kingdom of darkness through your death and resurrection. And I give thanks to you, Holy Spirit, for applying to me and all the church, every benefit of salvation.

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