Sunday, November 1, 2009




"Third kind of disciples is those, who go on postponing the carrying out of their orders and making mistakes at every step." –Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXIII.


In the book, Three Religious Rebels, we are given the story of a wealthy nobleman. His name was Theodric. All his dreams and ambitions centered on his only son, Robert. Theodric wanted his son to be a man of possessions and power.


However, Robert had nobler aspirations – to renounce the world and become a humble monk in the Abbey of Saint Pierre. The father was disappointed and heartbroken.


Years passed. Old Theodric was about to die. The wealthy father called his son to his bedside and, with a radiant smile, said to him, "Robert, I want to tell you that when you decided to become a monk, I strained every nerve to change your mind. That was wrong. For that I am truly sorry."


The dying man paused for a while, then said to his son, "Robert, I see very clearly now, that there is only one mistake that one can make in life."


"What may that mistake be?" asked Robert.


With a final struggle for breath to get out the words, the father said, "The only mistake that one can make in life, my son, is not to be a saint."




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