Saturday, November 21, 2009

NOVEMBER 22 - In Weakness, Made Strong

NOVEMBER 22 - In Weakness, Made Strong



He was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God's power we will live with him to serve you. — 2 CO RIN THI ANS 13:4



 Back in 1967 missionary Doug Nichols fell ill while serving in India and had to spend several months in a dingy tuberculosis sanitarium. While there, he tried to give gospel tracts to the patients and doctors, but no one would accept them. Understandably, Doug became discouraged. He was sick, weak, lonely, and disappointed no one would listen to him.



One night around 2:00 a.m., Doug woke up coughing. Across the aisle, he noticed an old man trying to get out of bed and get to the bathroom. Too weak to stand, the man fell back into bed crying and exhausted. Although sick himself and as weak as he had ever been, Doug got out of bed and with a smile placed one arm under the patient's neck and the other under his legs. With all his strength he lifted the man and carried him down the hall to the filthy, smelly washroom. Then the missionary carried him back to his bed. The old man smiled and said the Indian word for "thanks."



What happened the next morning was amazing. One of the other patients woke Doug up with a steaming cup of tea, making motions that he wanted a gospel tract. Then other patients asked for the booklets. Even nurses and a doctor asked for one. Over the next few days, several patients and staff gave their lives to Christ. The whole situation changed because of Doug's sacrificial act in the middle of the night.



The power of the good news is released in your life when you allow your weaknesses to showcase the awesome might and love of our Savior. Plan on doing that today.



Father, I confess that I pass by opportunities to help others in the name of Jesus because I just don't want to get involved or don't want to get my hands dirty. Move me, by your Spirit, to reach beyond my own strength.

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

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