Sunday, November 22, 2009





We all have dozens of things right and wrong in our lives. What one thing is going well for you today, and what one thing is a burden on your heart? It's important to get in the habit of clarifying the truth about your life, so you will learn to live more often in gratitude, as well as create the right solutions and support systems,

when needed. In fact, learning to make realistic appraisals and recommendations for improvements is a valuable skill that will come in handy for completing God's plan for your life.






Things fluctuate between right and wrong on a regular basis, so for today, it's okay to take a general approach to these two questions, cleverly disguised as one! How are your career, ministry, marriage, savings account, transportation, life purpose, and travel schedule? How are you doing with your inlaws, neighbor's pets, insurance rates, budget, salary, or interest rates? What about your perception of God and your trust in his love for you? How are your relationships, your random acts of kindness, or your hopes for a bright future? Anything going on with your health, spiritual growth, or child care arrangements? Dr. RoseAnne Coleman, founder of RoseAnne Coleman Ministries, loves honest appraisals.






RoseAnne's not-for-profit organization has been providing transitional crisis housing for women and their children since 1994. Her latest project is a property called Rose Hill, where RoseAnne hopes women soon can come to be quiet and listen to the Lord, as they sit on the porch swing or help tend the flowers. RoseAnne loves God's Word and telling others what she has found in it. For eighteen years, she has taught the Bible to groups, locally and around the world. She tries to live in the moment-by-moment reality of God's presence, knowing for a fact that the Lord cares about everything and everyone she meets. RoseAnne wishes she had amazing abilities, physical beauty, and a wonderful personality to lead others to the Lord, but instead she offers her honesty about her brokenness and struggles. Her joy is to show the Lord's incredible love, mercy, and presence to earthbound stumblers like herself.



What's right and what's wrong for RoseAnne? She admits that she is creative (not administrative); about a B+ on the personality scale; unable to remember where she just put her pen; and certain that her disorganized home will not be featured in Real Simple magazine. She is global in processing information and visual in learning. She says that, although she is not the poster child for motivational speakers or for the perfect Christian woman, she is beginning to realize how much God loves her and is humbled daily at his attention to her. It is in that astonished wonder that she tries to live.



RoseAnne says, "For years I had faith that God would provide my external needs but didn't trust him to heal the dark chaos of my heart. My mother, Melrose, helped with my problems until she died in 1999. Not long ago when I was struggling to trust God with a paralyzing weakness, I thought I heard Momma's sweet voice in my head. Although afraid I had had a sunstroke, I asked her, 'What have you learned in heaven?' Maybe God spoke his truth in the voice I trusted the most, for the words stunned and changed me forever: 'He is more faithful than you could imagine. You can trust him.' So daily I am trying to trust him to heal and transform what is wrong and broken in my life, and to thank him for what is right and holy."



What's Right in Your Life?

What's Wrong in Your Life?


The Lame Man Had Something Wrong and Something Right in His Life



The lame man couldn't get into the pool to be healed when the waters stirred. However, the wonderful conclusion to his story has been told for centuries, giving the hope of Jesus' miraculous, albeit delayed, intervention to millions who think they have no hope. Read John 5:1–15. Have you or a friend ever thanked God for a "righted" wrong?






However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. (Ecclesiastes 11:8)






Dear Lord, however many years I, _________, may live, let me enjoy them all. But let me never forget the days of darkness that come because of our fallen world, for they will be many. I know that remembering the good and the bad, the right and the wrong in my life, will give me a broader perspective for gratitude and problem solving. I ask you to help me today to be more honest about what is right and wrong in my life. Lead me away from confusion and denial. Lead me into your truth and clarity, so that I will become more fruitful for you.



So . . . What Insight, Prayer, or Action Step Has God Laid on Your Heart Today?

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