Tuesday, November 3, 2009




A gentle and well respected old Negro one day decided that he would like to become a member of the church near his home. He called on the pastor of the old fashioned church and told him of his desire.



"My dear man" said the pastor with a touch of aloofness. "I do not think you will be happy here though I appreciate your good intention. Really you would be most uncomfortable among my people and I am afraid it would be quite embarrassing to you and perhaps to them. I suggest you think it over and meditate and see if God does not give you some direction."



A week later, the old Negro met the pastor on the street, stopped him and said, "Reverend, I took your advice and prayed and meditated and finally God sent me a message. He said I should not bother any more trying to join your church. He said that He'd been trying to get in there Himself for years without success."







Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek.

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