Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NOVEMBER 11 - Remember Them!

NOVEMBER 11 - Remember Them!



When your people go to war against their enemies, wherever you send them, and when they pray to you toward this city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name, then hear from heaven their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause. — 2 CHRON ICLES 6:34 – 35



I was at an airport once, watching a handsome elderly man who wore a blue jacket with several medals pinned on the lapel. Atop his silver hair was his Veterans of Foreign Wars hat cocked at an angle. He was standing by a red carpet that led to the check-in counter, and he was helping young soldiers arriving at the airport from Iraq. To every young man or woman in uniform he would say, "Hi, there, soldier, where are you heading home today?" He then would take their ticket and direct them to the proper line. "Welcome home, friend," the veteran would say softly, then pat the soldier on the back as he went on his way. "Thanks, sir," the soldiers would often say, sometimes saluting.



That elderly veteran inspired me. That day when I passed through security and encountered several other soldiers, I decided to thank them and welcome them home too. I thought of the many soldiers who had become disabled like me. Their sacrifices mean something — their courage has opened paths for freedom and, with that, paths for the gospel.



Today's verse is part of the prayer Solomon offered before the Lord at the dedication of the new temple in Jerusalem. We can pray the same today. May God hear the pleas of our brave men and women in the Armed Forces, and may he uphold their cause. Today is Veteran's Day. Go out of your way today to encourage a veteran from a foreign war.



Father, I look forward to the day when the people will beat their spears into plowshares.Until then, may your will be accomplished as we fight the war against terrorism. Protect our brave soldiers and encourage their families this day.

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