Thursday, October 9, 2008



The experience of a few other people with Baba, are still interesting, though they have no particular moral bearing, and are recited by Chote Khan to show Baba's Antarjnana and helpfulness. He mentions the following about a Risaldar, a regiment horse soldier by the name Nuruddin. He came to Baba one day and wanted leave to go back. Baba did not give him leave. Baba said, `Go to-morrow'. But Nuruddin and rest of the regiment were marching on and so he could not stay. Then Baba gave him udhi and spoke in Urdu words which meant, `Dig a pit and eat the udhi'. The man took the udhi and rode away. At Kopergaon he saw a corpse being carried, and then in due course he reached his destination. from that time, he had always a vision of the corpse before his eyes. On the days, when he had such a vision, he got food and was happy. On other days, try as he might, he could not get food. This mortified him and he gave up service in disgust. Thinking that Baba was responsible for this, he came back to Baba and stayed at Shirdi for six months. Then this curse left him. Taking leave of Baba, he then went away. he became a happy grocery shopkeeper at Deolali. Another case of Baba's influence mentioned by Chote Khan is that of one Abdul Khader.

Abdul Khader came to Baba in about 1915, and he was at the takia. Baba passed that side. Khader then begged Baba, `Give me Fakir, I want to become a saint.' Baba then stood in front of him and with folded palm, flung the palm at him as though he was flinging something at him. But nothing visible was thrown. after that Khader'smanner and talk were changed. He began to give moral advice and behave like Baba, sometimes picking up a stone and threatening to throw it. Sometimes, he got unmanageable. For a month and a half this went on. he was a mad Fakir. Thereafter, Khader's relations began to get disgusted with Khader's condition. And one day Baba stood before Khader at the mandap of the Mosque and drew his folded palm fromKhader's side to himself, as though he was pulling back something, and said, `Lav Bale Ither'. Then Khader got back his original state of mind, and stayed on for 15 days more. Getting Baba's permission he went to Kirkee and started a bidi business, and was flourishing.
(Imam Bhai Chote Khan, aged about 65 years and resident of Vajapur, Aurangabad district, told to His Holiness Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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