Thursday, October 9, 2008



Chote Khan, in his fourth visit, Baba said to him, `Gulab has come to your house.' When he went back, he learnt that his wife had recently been delivered of a male child. That must be the Gulab mentioned by Baba, and the boy was named Gulab.

In his later visits to Baba, Baba did not allow him to return when he wanted to. So, Chote Khan was impatient to get started. Baba when refusing permission said, `People should not go, if they go, there will be storms and balls of fire and immense trouble.' This wasspoken by Baba talking in general terms and did not appear to refer to him. so, he went on running or walking at 5 miles and hour and reached Vari, 12 miles away at 5.50 p.m. Then he went by the bank of Vari to Surala. It was then sunset. The Patel warned him, `Do not go. The weather is cloudy. if you go, you will suffer'. But Chote Khan said, `It is only four miles more to my village, and I will go.' He went on. after he went three miles, a big storm came and lightning fell upon a huge pipal tree close to him and in front of him. The tree crashed and broke into two and fire broke out in the tree. His eye sight was dazed and he turned his face back. Then he saw Baba standing behind him with two tawny dogs. He bowed to Baba. Baba disappeared. then he went on. There was a river near his village. He went to cross it not knowing its depth. He felt the water only knee-deep, but when he reached the other shore and looked back, he saw in full flood overflowing its banks. He was amazed how he had crossed it. The depth of the water might have been 20 feet. How he could cross river 20 feet deep with water, he could not imagine. But he reached home safe. So, Baba's warning about the storm and ball offire and trouble were all true, but Baba followed and saved him.

In 1936 Chote Khan was again badly in need of money to get Gulab married. So, he went to Baba and slept in the Mosque. In his dream, Baba blessed him and said, `If you go to Poona, you will be benefitted.' So, he started off to Poona. One Mr. Ladkar, sufferingfrom severe piles, came to him. Chote Khan told him that he knew of a saint Sa Baba's prescription that would cure piles. Ladkar said, `Give it'. Chote Khan then prepared the remedy and that relieved the man greatly. He went at once, and betting on horses at the races in Poona he got Rs. 1,100. Out of that he gave Chote Khan Rs. 700 and with that money Gulab's marriage was performed

(Imam Bhai Chote Khan, aged about 65 years and resident of Vajapur, Aurangabad district, told to His Holiness Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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