Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Baba to N. G. Chandorkar: I will tell you how to conduct yourself in samsara. The wise should be cheerful and contented with their lot in life, as it is the result of Deha Prarabdha. Do not kick against the pricks.

If wealthy, be humble. Plants bend, when they have fruits. But humility is not towards all. Severity is needed in dealing with the wicked. But towards saints, be humble. Respect them.

Spend money in Dana (charity) and Dharma (piety) – but be not extravagant. The world perishes no doubt. But not obsessed by the importance of wealth. Do not be entangled in it, or be misery. Be liberal and munificent – but not lavish or extravagant.

Get on cheerfully with your worldly round of activities but do not forget God. Remember God. "This samsara is not mine but God's". Think thus all the time you are awake. Have consideration for the poor and wretched. Do not persecute and tease them. Inquire always, "Who am I"?

(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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