Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

Why should he suffer for ten births? In ten days he can work out sufferings and consequences of his past karma. (SSS Ch.XXXIV)

He who casts aside his egoism and thanks Him and he, who trust Him entirely will have his sackles removed and will obtain liberation. (SSS Ch.XXXIV)

Tell your son to believe Me, to throw aside horoscopes and predictions of astrologers and palmists and go on with his studies. (SSS Ch.XXIX)

Whatever is bestowed on him by God, must be good. (SSS Ch.XX)

Being quite desireless, you should meditate on God, who is in all the creatures and when the mind is concentrated, the goal will be achieved. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX)

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